From Bestselling Author


Prepare to be awestruck at the most reliable, enjoyable, victorious, loving, redemptive, and expressive being in existence…your Creator. This is an invitation to revere God.

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How To Marvel At Your Maker

At the deepest level, the chief reason we are all here is to glorify and enjoy God. But for many people, God remains a vague, wispy, cloud of cosmic kindness, a super-sized projection of ourselves into the sky, or an impossible-to-please killjoy. But who is God, really? Who is this being we should thank for our next breath? Who has He revealed himself to be in His Word?

Questions like these inspire some to deep dive into theology. They emerge with a sophisticated new vocabulary, a head full of syllogisms, and a God who seems more like an abstract x at the end of a logical equation than the living, moving, affectionate God of Scripture. In Revering God, bestselling author Thaddeus Williams invites you to meet the real, living God, offering profound insight into God’s attributes and practical ways to live a God-centered life, bridging the gap between abstract theology and awe-inspired devotion.

Deep Theology Meets Real Life

What's Inside the Book

Revering God features:

Revering God combines profound theological insight with daily devotions to showcase God’s attributes, encouraging you to center your own life around God’s. If you want to move beyond mere belief in God and start living out his attributes in your day-to-day life, this book is for you. You’ll get:

  • Scripture that shows what God revealed about himself.
  • Stories from contemporary theologians on how divine attributes have impacted their lives.
  • Exercises and practical steps to live out God’s attributes at home, in your community, and in the workplace.
  • Prayers
  • Reflection questions
  • Recommended resources for further study.

Learn to encounter God and worship him in a way that draws you into a deeper state of awe, joy, and reverence for the One who made you.

What People Are Saying


Thaddeus J. Williams

Thaddeus Williams, PhD, serves as associate professor of theology for Biola University. He is the author of many books, including Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth and Don’t Follow Your Heart. He resides in Southern California with his wife and four kids. Full Bio

"What could be more worthwhile than seeking to better understand and more deeply enjoy our Creator? There is a whole lot of good systematic theology being done in recent years, especially theology proper, unpacking the divine attributes (e.g., Frame, Sanders, Barrett, Feinberg, the retrieval of Bavinck with Sutano and Eglington, and many more). If we’re not careful, we run the risk of reducing God to a series of abstract propositions. We end up with a split church with many experiencing only a theologically superficial grasp of God but deep emotion and others experiencing a theologically profound understanding but having cobwebs in their hearts. I wanted to write a book, in the tradition of Packer’s classic Knowing God, that seeks to integrate the whole person—head, heart, and hands—into a state of reverence for God."

Thaddeus J. Williams